it's's's dawesome

Can someone explain this current decorating trend to me?

Perhaps you haven’t noticed it – but now that I have brought this to your attention, look out! You will see this EVERYWHERE!

What is the deal with how pillows are being “fluffed” where they are made to look as though they have two pointy ears. I tried to do this to some pillows on Millie’s bed (the pressure of the trend is getting to me, see) and it LOOKED WEIRD, yo!

Please, feel free to share your thoughts on this matter.

What do you think of a pillow with pointy ears?

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7 Responses to “Random observation”

  1. Marci Says:


    I HAVE noticed this disturbing trend. I too am not a fan. Guess we think alike – I tried it on the throw pillows on my couch thinking it would look ultra chic… NO GO. I ended up fluffing them up the usual way and they looked way better. If you figure it out, let me know!

    Love your blog even though I never comment! 🙂


  2. Khaliel Says:

    I think it’s little boys being dragged along by their mothers on their way home from Karate class….perhaps.

    Or maybe its the way angry designers have been told to manage their frustration. Instead of hitting a pillow, give it a good hai ya!

    Still, though, the thow pillow format that strikes me as the most odd is the way in England they sometimes set the pillow on one of its points. The first time I saw it I thought it was the work of a quirky hotel maid. But then I started seeing it other places. Maybe Jan can explain that one for us.

  3. Sam Says:

    My mom does that which means…I do it. There, I said it. How do I sleep at night, you ask? Well, I suppose because I know I’m just following what I’ve seen my mom do as opposed to weirdy trends. But then again, I should also mention that I do my cat ear pillows in moderation…just a gentle, baby karate chop does the trick. When it’s so extreme- I agree- it’s crossed the line into what-the-heck-? land.

  4. Jan Says:

    I have two observations.
    1. This should only be done with pillows that are furry, because then it carries on the illusion that you have a cute furry animal sitting on your couch.
    2. In England, pillows are generally functional, and the trend of piling extraneous pillows on a bed is, I think, one we’ve borrowed from you folks. As such, the pillow on its pointy end was perhaps an overzealous attempt to embrace the trend?

    Ok, one more: what if this was started by a frustrated former waiter who had previously had to make those folded napkins and now had nowhere to practise his weird fabric origami? See here for an example:

  5. Parker Says:

    I admit, I’m have have a little bit of OCD, so the only way to solve this is to straighten out the top so it has 4 straight normal lines like a square, or give it googly-eyes.

  6. Tess Says:

    Here is the nice thing about the pointy pillows when you sit on the couch an arm rest is already made for you in the middle of the pillow! 🙂

  7. Allison Says:

    No joke, I have been doing the ole karate chop (a mild hi-ya, as Sam pointed out, which is much less extreme) on ONE pillow in my house JUST for the past two weeks. Seriously. Don’t know why. Must have been the show after design show where they do this to all the pillows slowly getting to me. As I read this post, I looked over to that particular pillow on that particular side chair and there it was, looking all ear-like! But two weeks in, I think I like it. In moderation.

    Besides, some fur and googly eyes might be kinda cute…