it's's's dawesome
December 27th, 2009 by Eliza

As I type I hear a loud hissing noise.

It is the sound of home.

It is the sound our heater makes as it  warms up this little house that stood vacant for the last seven days as we frolicked in that “Green and Pleasant Land” known as England.

I will tell you of this day of travel — because most of it was blog worthy, and not in a pretty and quaint way – I mean blog worthy in a horrible way — when I have the energy and strength to revisit it.

For now, please feel free to enjoy this post I wrote a few weeks ago and never actually posted. I was going to call it,

“The Agony & The Ecstasy”

Without further ado, here it is —

Christmas Cards!

The Agony:

picking the perfect pictures, picking the perfect card, emailing your mom 100 different options to get her opinion, trying to decide which one to go with, the clock ticking, updating your address list then losing the updated list three times, trying to get the card out before Dec. 25th…wondering all the while, “did I pick the right card?” and as you address hundreds of cards you think, “WHY do I do this to myself?!”

The Ecstasy:

Receiving all your family & friends’ Christmas cards in the mail.

Do you too experience the agony and the ecstasy of Christmas cards?

I fret over mine.

And we are talking serious fret-age.

I was talking to my friend on the phone about our Christmas cards and she and I were ready to throw our hands up in the air and just BAG IT this year. But then we realized, “You know how you are going to feel the moment that first Christmas card comes through the letter box….”  JOY! Christmas cheer! Happiness with a capital “H”!

So the cards are in the mail, my friends.

This will reveal the depth of my sentimentality but…

I always mourn the cards that did not make the cut.  I know, it is silly – but I always wish I could send out 10 different cards. I don’t because I would end up driving myself totally bonkers.

Then it hit me, I have a blog!  I don’t have to mourn the cards that never made it to your front doors – I can just show them to you, right here in this very spot!

Without further ado, here are the cards you WONT be getting from the Dawson Fam this year —

These ones I made on Tiny Prints…



We always have a million great pictures of the girls and a handful of good ones of Jan with the girls and me with the girls, but I’ll be darned if we could ever get one with all of us looking smashing together. So this year I toyed with the idea of doing one these collage photo cards, but I don’t know – I just got tired of trying to fill all the boxes in with the right pictures. This only added to the Christmas card agony.



I discovered another cool website, a lot like Tiny Prints, called Minted and these are the ones I put together from that site –

This one with the polka dots was almost this year’s card. Oh, this card is so CUTE! But in the end I went with something that was MUCH cheaper than this option…practicality won the day this year.

Xmas 1

xmas 2

xmas 3

And there you have it!

Now that you have seen all these beauties, I hope you wont be too disappointed with the Snapfish card you’ll be receiving shortly.

Dang! I am starting to get an anxiety attack that I picked the wrong card…

too late now!

December 25th, 2009 by Eliza

I don’t remember being born

Nothing before five

And even then my memory’s patchy


I don’t remember when

I stopped believing

It was possible to fly

If I believed enough


I remember

I wanted to talk to the animals

And would hold very still

And listen


But I don’t remember why

I quieted the child desires

That followed me like the tail of a star

From heaven


But it doesn’t really matter

Because when I gave You my heart

You gave it back to me

With all its child desires intact


And I remembered

The power of purity

And saw another star with a tail

Shining over the place

Which you had chosen

With animals and flying people all around


Thank you for this

Beautiful birth

Sweet Jesus


— by Summer Kelly Pixton


“Nativity” by Brian Kershisnik

This poem, written by my sister and this painting by one of my favorite artists, Brian Kershisnik, are two of my most favorite expressions of love for the Savior and his miraculous birth.

I would like to add my testimony to Summer’s and Brian’s.

Sometimes I cannot believe that the creator of the earth and sky came to here to this place, to our corner of the universe, in a tiny baby body. That his sweet mother held him next to her, looked into his eyes and for a moment he belonged only to her. That he would leave his majestic throne to become completely vulnerable, a babe in arms; to take on flesh, in the same manner that we do, so that he could understand what we go through, so that he could succor us, and ultimately save us – is miraculous beyond words.

I know it happened. I know it in the deepest part of me. I don’t just hope it happened. I know it happened.The evidence of his existence is all around me. His love is a constant force in my life. I know he was born. I know he lived, and died, and that he lives today.

I love him and am grateful to him. Grateful for his birth. Grateful for his life. Grateful for his atoning sacrifice. Grateful for his mercy, his patience, and his boundless love.

December 24th, 2009 by Eliza

Today Clara decided that she was anti-sleep. If she has a rough day, guess who else has a rough day too…

But don’t cry for me Argentina – despite it all I found a moment to sneak away and enjoy a little time by myself. I walked through the village of Freshford, and drank in the quaintness of it all. I think this village is a rather cozy little spot, but I tell you what, on Christmas Eve it seems all the cozier. If you can believe that!

Something about seeing smoke rising up from the cottage chimneys, catching a glimpse of the twinkling Christmas lights from within softly lit houses just makes my little heart flutter. If I were to stumble upon a magic bottle and a genie were to grant me a wish I think I would ask for an all access pass to peek into these sweet little homes and have a look at what was going on. You know, in the spirit of A Christmas Carol…

This afternoon I was content enjoying my street side view and imagining all the goodness that might be taking place within.






Check out the door knocker on this little cottage, it is a fox.




smoke from the chimney


I walked past one stone house where the windows were right at my eye level. I could see a beautiful dining room chandelier and the table had a beautiful flower arrangement. It glowed! My whole heart wanted to capture it on film, but knew it wasn’t the right thing to do…I wish you could have seen it. It felt so warm and inviting.

As I can’t let you into other people’s houses I can let you peek into mine…


Millie and Granny make play dough Christmas ornaments together.



Just about the only thing that Clara has eaten while we’ve been here. Thank goodness for the yogurt!



Millie enjoys Papa’s fire.


Millie waiting in the wings to perform her Christmas Eve program.


Performing the songs she wasn’t able to sing with her classmates because we were here when her pre-school Christmas concert took place. Please note her choice of costume:  her new Christmas Eve “concert pajamas” and of course, her antlers.

Even the simplest day can be full of so much – as I consider this day there were moments of sheer bliss and moments of pure frustration and within a 24 hour period they get all crammed up together.

I think the beauty of having a place, like this blog, provides an opportunity to take stock.  To remember all the good there is in life. Although there were some very discouraging and trying moments having to do with Clara’s sleep (or the lack thereof) there were so many more moments of connection and happiness and there is just so much BEAUTY all around.

Totally off the subject I’d like to say that tonight I am missing this craziness…



I am not sure that I could even explain it if I tried.

Of all the crazy Kelly traditions this one is, without a doubt the craziest!

You just have to experience it to understand it.

I will say this, I love my wild and wonderful brothers.

December 23rd, 2009 by Eliza

Yesterday we spent a few hours shopping in Bath.

It is such an elegant city.


By far, the coolest thing that we saw was this guy, dressed in his green tweeds


pulling a cart of mistletoe behind him and selling it to the passers-by. Is that neat or what?!


Now, let me show you something else.

This is one of the classiest malls I have ever seen. And I know classy malls! After all I do live a short drive from the Short Hills mall – daaahling!

Bath, like many cities in England, has a high street, where most of the shops are located. At the end of the high street there used to be a mall. It was pretty awful, a big concrete mass. Recently, they tore it down and put this up in its place –


On the left side is the new mall, and on the right are the old buildings.

I think that this is just swell – they have built something brand spanking new and yet it is totally in keeping with the feeling of the whole city.

I give them a thumbs up!


Did you spot the lovely little crescent moon over Bath Abbey? So sweet!

Speaking of sweet, what do you think of Clara in her new hat?


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We think she looks a bit like a washer woman from the 1940s.

Millie also got a new hat.


When wearing it she reminds me of a little pastel petit four.


December 22nd, 2009 by Eliza


Here are some pictures, taken over the last two days, of life at Granny & Papa’s place.




I think that this might be one of the sweetest most beautiful places in the universe.


These last two days we’ve spent just being here – nothing really pressing on us, just being together in this gentle place (well, Stephen and Gitte are still accomplishing and doing – that is just their way – mind you, they are giving us lots of attention – but Gitte has her shop that she looks after and Stephen has had a few phone calls to make with his various projects etc).

It has been two years since I have been back and it  reminds me of when Jan and I lived in London and how hard it was to go back to the hustle and bustle of London after spending a weekend in Freshford.

You can see why.



Milk bottles outside the front door, waiting to be picked up by the local milk man.


Apple juice from a local farm.


Even Granny’s knitting project lying around (for crying out loud!)


There is something about this place that is downright soul satisfying.

Jan took 280 killer photos today and it has taken me exactly 29 minutes to post these few…and it is very late here already. So, hopefully, time permitting, I can post a few more tomorrow.

Beautiful, quaint village with very SLOW broadband connection = only 10 photos for your viewing pleasure.

For tonight, anyway…

P.S To the future Mrs. Charles John Kelly – take a look at these dresses I found for your nieces today while I was shopping in Bath. What do you think? No mustard yellow on them, but splashes of cobalt blue – and a grey background which will look awesome next to that skinny suit to be worn by that trim fellow you’ll be marrying. The colors are in the same “jewel tone” family as your blue…I found the most darling mustard yellow jackets today for the girls, but very $$$ and wrong size…will tell you more about it some other time. For now, this is what I’ve got:



I got a matching one for Khali and corresponding, but different, one for Clara.


I thought they could provide something of an “accent”. It is tough to find something wonderful when you only have one hour, and your daughters and husband are in tow – they were champs, but this particular shopping expedition wasn’t easy on anyone.

These are not your typical flouncy flower girl look, which I thought you might like.

Now that it is almost 1:00 am I really must finish this post and head for bed.

December 21st, 2009 by Eliza

On Sunday we went to church. To the very building where I first saw Jan. As I was walking the halls with Clara I came upon the very spot where I saw him. It always makes me feel rather nostalgic to be there, in that place, where I fell in love with the person who is my husband. And why is it when you go back to a place from your past it always looks SO MUCH SMALLER? I haven’t grown taller or changed physically (that much) and yet it seemed so much smaller.

Hmmm, I wonder why that is?

After church we went to the Natural History Museum. It was a must see as Millie is very into dinosaurs these days.



It was fun.

Clara was in heaven!

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This guy didn’t make it onto Santa’s sleigh this year, but don’t feel bad for him he still got his Christmas wish…



Good times for all at the museum!


Following the museum we ducked into a crepe joint and paid about 40 dollars for three crepes.


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After Millie ordered a crepe with only chocolate chips (she specifically said she didn’t even want butter, JUST chocolate chips) we watched it being made, she ate half of it THEN turned to me and said, “Mom, guess what, there is chocolate in the middle of this pancake!!”


After our London adventures we packed up our grip and headed to Bath.

Where we are having good times currently.

In fact, speaking of bath – I can hear my little munchkins splashing away in one right now.



(This is them in London, but you get the idea…)

Must go back up their dad!

December 18th, 2009 by Eliza


This fine AM we are hightailing it to the land of

high tea.

Where they say, “Happy Christmas”,  refer to Santa as “Father Christmas”


where they set their Christmas dessert


I am going to carry on posting from Jolly Old Merry Old England whist we are abroad.

Till then,




December 17th, 2009 by Eliza

You ready?

I swear, it is really good.


Now, I have got your attention, eh?

It is called,


Now before you stop reading, my friend told me about this guy she knew who lost weight, we are talking multiple pounds, from eating only GELATO when he was living in Italy, so please don’t give up on my diet yet.

All you need are:

1. good friends who bring you cookies

2. an appetite

(TOP TIP: don’t share them with your spouse or children if you can manage to get away with it. If you must share, take NO SHAME in eating your child’s left overs. Remember – this is all you have to eat and you can’t cook so be a scrooge about it.)





Any cookie will do, but it helps if they are REALLY DELICIOUS, have your name piped in frosting across them, and if they come wrapped beautifully that is also a bonus.

Once you have the cookies –








E N J O Y !!!!

P.S. To the bakers of these cookies – we LOVED ‘EM & if you must know we LOVE you even more!!

December 12th, 2009 by Eliza

Trying to keep warm





One mug of hot cocoa at a time!

December 7th, 2009 by Eliza

Aren’t Christmas traditions funny old things?

I feel like my childhood Christmases were simply magical!  Our traditions were a part of the very fiber of our family’s collective identity. There is something almost sacred about them.

And yet…

I still remember bringing out my Mannheim Steamroller Xmas albums to play in the apartment I shared with my BYU chums.  I LOVE those albums. In the 80’s when I was a medium sized lass – they were the cutting edge of coolness and my sibs and I spent HOURS listening to them and dancing around the house. When I played them at the Y, as a college age lass, my chums laughed me to scorn. (I won’t lie, it hurt a little)

Jan doesn’t like those albums either, but friends, corny as they are, they fill me right up with remembrances of my Christmas past. And so, I adore them.


Here on my blog I pledge my little girl heart to YOU Mannheim Steamroller Christmas albums. SYNTHESIZER AND ALL!

Along with the MS albums are many other odd and wonderful traditions that I hold dear. One of the most cherished traditions is “the elves”. Every year a set of Santa’s little helpers were assigned to take care of us during the month of December. They would watch to see if we were being good – brushing teeth, listening to parents, RESISTING giving younger brothers “swirlies” etc. And if we were good they would leave us little presents all around the house. On the doorstep or under our pillows. They could zip all around the house and you’d NEVER see them (but every now and again you could hear them giggle)…they were magic so you know, the normal laws of physics did not apply to them.

When my parents moved to fabulous Provo UT it turned out that the Elves had a established a post  – under one of their pine trees.

This very pine tree, in fact!


It is called,


It is a place where they go to chill out in between gigs. They sip hot cocoa and rest their weary bones etc. Because Grandpa is on good terms with the elves, he must know their secret handshake er something, they let his grand-kids in on their hideaway, and maybe they feel a little guilty because they don’t pay property tax. Whatever the reason, we know about it and we hang out there too.

It’s kind of awesome, if you ask me.

Last Christmas, when we were staying with Grandma and Grandpa the elves hooked us UP!

It began, as it often does, with the discovery of a note. This note instructed us to go to Elfinden (aka their hideaway).



(The adventure begins!)

We all bundled up and made our way out to Elfinden.



(Grown up mommy – but still as excited as the little kids)


In we all went –  under the pine boughs to discover…


…that the elves had decorated Elfinden for Christmas. (Please note that Brynn, also grown-up lady, was just as excited as the kids)


They left us yet another note that would lead us to a special Christmas surprise!


Out we came and off we went!


Following the clues,


which lead us to this ark (just part of the surprise,and  just a beginning of what was to come!)


We kept following the trail of animals until,


We discovered that the elves had taken a little storage space under the stairway and turned it into what we now refer to as, “The Ark Room”.




As little peeps they found a way to cram a WHOLE bunch of fun into a tiny space. They are so good when it comes to decorating small spaces – I wonder if they ever considered decorating Manhattan apartments during their “off” months.

Oh, Elves – I love you! How I love you!

Because this tradition means so much to me, it goes without saying that the dear little guys come and visit Millie and Clara too.

We have this here mailbox.


It is where the elves leave us the good stuff.

They have been kind to us this year.

On Friday they left us…


I am here to report that it was well received,




“On Dasher! On Dancer! On Prancer! Right into my mouth!!”

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“And to all a good night”.

Peace out


peace on earth, suckaz!