it's's's dawesome
June 30th, 2009 by Eliza

I stay at home.

I am a stay at home mama.

It is where my heart is.

Is this job hard? Yes, very.

Are there days that I want to poke my eyes out with a blunt stick? Yes, that would be every day.

Do I want to be anywhere else?


Do you ever have conversations with yourself? I do. And recently I have been talking to myself about why I stay home.

Reason number one,


And reason number two,


But seriously folks, I’ve been thinking about this a lot. I have high expectations for these girls. Not just that I hope they get into a good college, I am talking about eternal expectations. I believe that if I do my very best that God will let me be with these girls and their dad forever. That is what I want. So if that is what I want I know I can’t get distracted or snagged by what the world has to offer. For example “a career”. Since when did a career become better than shaping humanity?

Maybe if I had a career my co-workers wouldn’t spit up on me, or whine at me. But I doubt they would ever look at me like this.


And I know I couldn’t plant these on fellow co-workers all the live long day.


(Those cheeks were made for kissing, my friends. Soft as silk. Softer even.)

My baby has teeth (five and counting) and she has started to crawl. Even though these days feel endless, before I know it my baby will have all her teeth and be wearing a prom dress. And I want her to be ready for all this crazy world is going to throw at her.


When the world is swirling around her I want her to know that her mom is at home, waiting for her, praying for her, loving her, ready to help her with whatever she needs.


Trust is built over a lot of skinned knees and tears shed and midnight chats.

See those band aids? I put them on those knees. I kissed them better.



What a blessing to be a mother. I feel like this is the time that I prove to God that this is what I want more than anything else. If I have to earn the right to do this eternally, I better do it with my whole heart now.

I hope I will be kissing knees better through out the eternities.