it's's's dawesome
June 29th, 2009 by Eliza

A good portion of my family is spending their summer in Chicago.

My dad is keeping an eye on the BYU interns in the windy city. So my mom, sisters Bette and Tess, and brother Parker have all tagged along for some fun and adventures. My other sister, Summer lives in Chicago with her husband Allan and their three kids.

Tess sent us the photos of their first week (only five more to go, my peeps, so enjoy it).

After looking through hundreds of photos (and, yes, feeling sad that I wasn’t there with them) I noticed a pattern  emerging.

See if you can spot it too.

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Apparently Chicago has had a pretty big effect on my family already.

It is turning them into the Boden catalog.  (By the way the 50% off sale started TODAY!)

This makes me laugh because I have often thought to myself, “If I could live in a catalog I would totally choose to live in Boden land.”

It would appear that my family is!

I got to get me out there on the next plane!

Just look what I am missing

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Don’t feel too sad for me. You can take my mom out of Provo but she will take her phone with her and this means that I still have access to her. Ten bucks says that when they snapped this photo she was talking to yours truly.


A convo a day keeps the sadness away, says I.