it's's's dawesome
December 22nd, 2009 by Eliza


Here are some pictures, taken over the last two days, of life at Granny & Papa’s place.




I think that this might be one of the sweetest most beautiful places in the universe.


These last two days we’ve spent just being here – nothing really pressing on us, just being together in this gentle place (well, Stephen and Gitte are still accomplishing and doing – that is just their way – mind you, they are giving us lots of attention – but Gitte has her shop that she looks after and Stephen has had a few phone calls to make with his various projects etc).

It has been two years since I have been back and it  reminds me of when Jan and I lived in London and how hard it was to go back to the hustle and bustle of London after spending a weekend in Freshford.

You can see why.



Milk bottles outside the front door, waiting to be picked up by the local milk man.


Apple juice from a local farm.


Even Granny’s knitting project lying around (for crying out loud!)


There is something about this place that is downright soul satisfying.

Jan took 280 killer photos today and it has taken me exactly 29 minutes to post these few…and it is very late here already. So, hopefully, time permitting, I can post a few more tomorrow.

Beautiful, quaint village with very SLOW broadband connection = only 10 photos for your viewing pleasure.

For tonight, anyway…

P.S To the future Mrs. Charles John Kelly – take a look at these dresses I found for your nieces today while I was shopping in Bath. What do you think? No mustard yellow on them, but splashes of cobalt blue – and a grey background which will look awesome next to that skinny suit to be worn by that trim fellow you’ll be marrying. The colors are in the same “jewel tone” family as your blue…I found the most darling mustard yellow jackets today for the girls, but very $$$ and wrong size…will tell you more about it some other time. For now, this is what I’ve got:



I got a matching one for Khali and corresponding, but different, one for Clara.


I thought they could provide something of an “accent”. It is tough to find something wonderful when you only have one hour, and your daughters and husband are in tow – they were champs, but this particular shopping expedition wasn’t easy on anyone.

These are not your typical flouncy flower girl look, which I thought you might like.

Now that it is almost 1:00 am I really must finish this post and head for bed.