it's's's dawesome
June 11th, 2009 by Eliza

It has been said that the best things come to those who wait.

After waiting almost six months…

without further ado…

I give you the new sofa and chairs!



I wanted to wait until the room was just perfect before I posted these pictures, but lets face it, it will never be perfect. If I have learned anything about decorating a house it is this – IT IS NEVER PERFECT AND NEVER ALL DONE. In a strange way that is the beauty of it.

So, when are you coming over? We can watch a movie, or just chat together, or if you are as excited as we are you can do what we did tonight and just look at the furniture for hours.

Seriously, that is what we did!

P.S. Anyone want the book shelf in the right corner? We are looking for a new home for it. It is a really nice, sturdy book shelf.