it's's's dawesome

On Sunday we celebrated our dad(s). Mostly we celebrated the person we call Dad who lives here, with us, in Madison, NJ. But we also spoke on the phone to some other awesome dads we know and love.

What did we do for that fine chap? The one we call “Dad” who puts up with all the Dawson ladies…

It began early when I watched the girls so Jan could sleep in.

Then, of course, there was breakfast in bed.


Before you look at this picture and say, “What is this, Liza? You call this breakfast in bed?! That is some serious weak sauce!” Jan is a man who know what he likes. And for breakfast, these days, he eats butter toast with Marmite and a glass of OJ.Every single morning.


Our local supermarket stopped selling Marmite a while back. The day before Father’s Day Jan ran out of it. He was really bummed. “What are you going to do, hun?” I asked him, knowing full well that there were two other jars in the cupboard. Two jars that I found at a more fancy supermarket and tucked away for a little father’s day present. “I suppose I can pick some up when I am next in the UK.” I told him I thought that was a good plan.

Mwa, ha, ha! Cue my knowing evil laugh.

This breakfast may not look like much to you (and you certainly couldn’t pay me to eat it) but it was EXACTLY  what Jan wanted. So he was pleased. And even surprised! A very hard thing achieve, I might add.



“Hey dad, isn’t this the greatest? Being a dad that is. Don’t you love trying to eat while we roll around all over you.  Boy, this really is a great tradition. Don’t you think? Hey, Dad can you scoot over there isn’t enough room for us here.”

After breakfast came the presents.


Do you like this wrapping job? You’ve heard of cancer and aids awareness, but here we like to remember the plight of fathers. We’d like to raise awareness for fathers everywhere. (Actually, I was just short on ribbon that went with this manly brown and tweed paper).

After church came lunch.

Las Tres Amigas (myself, Emily and Amanda) joined forces to prepare a culinary feast for the fathers in our lives. We each made a few ingredients for the Cafe Rio salad. Then we had a, rondevu at my house, gave each other what we had made and the result was fantastic!


Absolutely delish!


Followed by chocolate mousse.


Also, pretty darn yummy.


But father’s day is much more than food. (Ya think?!) Well, for some people I guess it is about more than just food.

Millie spoke to her Papa on the other side of The Pond. It was a bit of a quickie convo, as Millie was bath bound, and that means that nothing stands in the way of her and the tub. Except perhaps a little father’s day lov’ns from her Papa.

It was a great day.

We love ya, Dad, Papa and Grandpa!

Thank you for being such good men and such wonderful fathers!

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