it's's's dawesome

Wrote Mr. Shakespeare.

And that guy knew what he was talking about.

As I drove our babysitter home tonight she and I talked about her brothers. She is the only girl in a family of six. We talked about what a mystery a brother is. I had spent the evening with one of my brothers who when we were growing up was a complete and total mystery to me, and as an adult has become one of my most cherished companions. I actually feel this way about all of my brothers. Ive always loved them – but for the first part of my life I felt that I didn’t KNOW them. Now that we’re all grown-ups I think I am starting to get them.

Back me up here if you know what I’m talking about.

I asked this sweet girl, our babysitter, if she ever felt lonely, not having a sister.

She said, “Yes.”

Then I told her about a conversation I had with Millie earlier that day as she and I drove to Staples together:

Millie: Mom, I want you to only pay attention to me not to Clara any more.

Me: Is that right?

Millie: Yes.

Me: Well, Clara is a baby and she needs me. What if she cries? What should we do about that?

Millie: Dad can get her.

Me: What if Dad is busy?

Millie: Well…we can just let her play.

Me: Hmmm. So you want more attention, huh?

Millie: Yes.

Me: Well, I am paying attention to you right now.

Millie: But Clara is asleep.

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If I know anything. I know sisters.

Mills, it is tough, right now. I get it. I remember searching for ways to get my mom’s attention too. I don’t think I ever came flat out and asked for it – but man, did I try to get it.

The truest and best kind of love, the love that Shakespeare was writing about, runs for years and years over the jagged rocks of “experience” that make up our relationships. The course is crazy – from the times when you put masking tape down the middle of the bedroom to the staying up late and giggling into the wee small hours of the night. When you’re inseparable, then when you can’t stand to look at each other. When tragedy strikes and you find the hope and strength you lack in your sisters’ eyes. Through all these ups and downs the most remarkable  LOVE emerges.

Right now she bugs. And she may bug you for a long, long, time – but the time will come when you wont be able to live without her.

I promise.

Right now you think this is the answer…


But as crazy as it may sound,

this is even better…

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4 Responses to ““The course of true love never did run smooth.””

  1. Summer Says:

    Amen! Sista!

    All my sisters are THE GREATEST!

    Also, sorry that the masking tape did so little to keep all my contain my sloppiness…

    Also, thanks for being the sister that set such a generous and loving tone in our family, Liza, and introducing me to joyous things like, The Beatles, and Laura Ashely sheets. Thanks for all the times you took me on your adventures from (Manhattan to England). Your love flows free and deep and this sister sure as heck loves you for it!

    I should give Millie a call and tell her about how awesome MY big sister was- eh? Perhaps it would inspire her some.

  2. Tess Says:

    I love my sisters, so much. It’s a little bit insane.

  3. Bette Says:

    But Clara is soooooo cute, Millie! I love my sisters so much, too. I’d go so far as to say, they are the greatest. Love you guys! Let the good times roll.

  4. khaliel Says:

    What about the Muffin Moms?!

    Just jokin’. Wonderful post, Liza. So true. Nothing beats a sister. But you have to find it out the hard way.

    I’ve got to hand it to Millie to have the confidence and the ability to put her feelings into words. I remember being eclipsed by my little brother with his red hair, freckles and big brown eyes. Everybody who came over wanted to put money in his piggy bank! What’s that about?!! No hard feelings, though. I love him like a bother, er, brother.

    I never had a sister either — only mysterious brothers. But I surely am thankful I got myself a bunch of daughters. I should have given all of you more attention. At least I noticed you when it was time to throw your candy bars out the window.