it's's's dawesome

I have news so tremendous, so joyful, so exciting – I need help to express it. I need far more eloquence than I posses to voice the feelings of my heart.

I need THE BARD!

Just imagine, if you will, Romeo and Juliet…but with a HAPPY ENDING!!!

The families aren’t feuding, they have loved each other for YEARS. The moms are the best of friends who shared endless laughs and Costco runs, the dads love and respect one another and have served together in a bishopric. The older kids have babysat the younger kids, had play dates and even little high school crushes…wait for it. Oooh, just wait for it because it gets even better.

I give you the new and IMPROVED version of the classic tale (I know, you thought nobody could improve Shakespeare, but prepare yourselves to be gobsmacked… this is good, oh friends, THIS IS GOOD)

Two households, both alike in dignity,


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(well, one might be a little more dignified than the other… that second bunch looks a little WILD to me)

In fair Provo, where we lay our scene,

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From forth the life-giving loins of these two families
A pair of star-gazing lovers take their vows;

sam 1

chasio 2

Whose triumphant goodness cheerfully yields yet more happiness,
Do with their engagement heighten their parents’ joy.

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The courageous passage of their life-mark’d love,
And the continuance of their parents’ glee,
Which, but their children’s marriage, could only enhance,
Is now the traffic of this humble blog;
The which if you with patient eyes attend,
What here shall read, my toil shall strive to celebrate.

It’s true! It’s true! And every conversation I have with any member of my family results in giggles, exaltations, and this phrase, “CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!?!?!”

It is so good it is almost too good to be true, but believe it,


This here cutie


asked this here cutie


to be his WIFE…





A few words about my FUTURE sister-in-law, Sam Card (soon to be Kelly), for those of you who may not enjoy the blessing of knowing her:

You can see that she is lovely. She is also a hard worker, a great student, a hip chick, and a person of true depth & substance. She is a person who has been through some very challenging times and she has emerged from her trials with grace and beauty. She is courageous. She is so good.  She has a testimony. She is strong because she knows where to go and Who to turn to for strength. If you were to meet her you would instantly think “Oh, what a darling, fun girl.” And you would be right, but that is just the beginning.  You might not know that she has managed to confront the darkness of life and remain full of light. And even be lighthearted. Joyful. Fun.

She is remarkable.

And, let the world take note, her FUTURE family-in-law LOVE, LOVE, LOVE her.

So does her fiancé.

Now a few words about Sam’s fiance, my little brother, Chas Kelly.  Chas is a peace maker. He can take a heated situation and calm everything right down. He is a real man. He is a person of integrity and goodness. Of the many things the world prizes and esteems my brother is something that is, these days,  grossly undervalued, but I KNOW how important is is and so I am going to tell ya, he is pure. You heard me, PURE and good to the core! He has made covenants to live and be a certain way – and he has kept them.  He has lived his life to be worthy of a woman like Sam. I have so much confidence in the husband and father he will be. He honors God by honoring the power that God has graciously extended to him. I love him for it. He is also terrific with kids. This picture is for you Sam, it’s gonna melt ya, get ready…


Aw, Shucks! How cute is he??!!! He lived with us last summer and he was a champ with Millie. I would also add that he is also a wonderful listener. And he is a funny fellow. Oh, how he tickles me! Man, I dig him! He also has EXCELLENT taste in women…that is to say, one woman in particular.

Three cheers for Chasio and Samiet!

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Hip, hip, hooray!

You better believe that I have plans to carry on posting about this lovely couple.

I will take great pleasure in keeping you POSTED, as they say.

In fact, I would like to invite this happiness, which they have freely given to all of us who know and love them, a permanent home, here, on Dawesome!

Samantha Kelly, that has such a nice ring to it, don’t you think?

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In the word’s of Ruggles of Red Gap*  “YIPPY, YIPPY, YIIIIIPYYYYY!”

*(Sam, have Chas show you this film, I’m afraid it is “required” viewing to be a full blown member of the Kelly band! Well, you don’t HAVE to, but it will sure help you to get a lot of our inside jokes. And when Xmas comes, and you are forced to watch Nicholas Nickleby, don’t worry, your future sister-in-law, Allison can teach you the special dance a.k.a the “shoulder shimmy”, which she invented, to help get you through all eight hours of it.)

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11 Responses to “Chasio & Samiet”

  1. Lindsey Says:

    The Johnsonians haven’t been able to stop grinning at the news. Welcome to the family Sam!

  2. zina Says:

    HOOOOOOOORAYYYYYYY!!!!! this is the GRANDEST of news! I am so so so so so so happy for these darling lovebirds. Finally, the marriage of the two most righteous dynasties! Look out world!

  3. Chas Says:

    Greatest. Blog. EVER!! Frankly, I’m speechless. I just don’t understand how you nail it every time, Lize!! What wonderful observations, parallels (of the Bard) and insights on this, the happiest of times in my life and our family (as well as that of Sam and her fam). Sheesh, big sister. You’re just amazing.

    And for the record, I’ve already shown “Ruggles” to Sam and of course she found it to be the delightful, cute, fun show that it is… ain’t that right, fiancé?

  4. Tess Says:

    WAHOOO!!!! In the words of Lady Cluck, “I’ve never been so ‘appy!”

  5. Bette Says:

    HOOOOOOORAY! And there was much much much much MUCH rejoicing! We love you Sam and Chas!

  6. Khaliel Says:

    Thanks for putting our happiness into words (and pictures)!

  7. Samiet Says:

    It’s like my family says…I got me a prince!

  8. Allison Says:

    Yaayaaay what happiness!!!! I’m so excited!!! I just did the Nicholas Nickleby dance out of pure joy for you two. 🙂 Can’t wait to see you guys!

  9. Liesa Says:

    We love him! We love her! We love you!
    (jumping on the sofa)

  10. Friend of Samiet Says:

    Sam is one of my heroes. I am so happy she gets to be joining her incredible family to a family that seams so AMAZING!!! yay for you all! p.s. sorry to be a creepy blog-stocker-comment-leaver…(sort of).

  11. Summer Says:

    I’m always the last to comment on these things…although I was the first to congratulate Chas on his engagement to Sam- simply because I called him as soon as they were officially dating- I figured two individuals that awesome getting together was inevitable! What joy!

    The whole marvelous affair also recalls to my mind when Groucho victoriously exclaims, “Let there be dancing in the streets, singing in the saloons, and necking in the parlor!”

    Also, I’m pretty sure the Cards have enough dignity to carry two households (that is to say theirs AND ours) so we’re good on that! I loved what you changing the Shakespeare, Liza, I’m sure he would approve!