it's's's dawesome

Are you thinking what I am thinking? ANOTHER birthday tribute?! But wait. This one is for my dear, kind, sweet sister-in-law, ALLISON.  That name may ring a bell, she has been mentioned once or twice on this blog. She is one of the best people I know so I would like to celebrate her in classic Dawesome fashion and give her a right old birthday shout out.


There are some very obvious things that I could say about Allison.

Allison is a love. If I were only able to pick one word to describe her the word would be: love. She loves people in a deep and abiding way.  You can feel that when you are with her. Love beams out of her and lands on all those people she comes in contact with.

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She is beautiful. And the crazy part is that every time I see her she just seems to get more and more beautiful.

San Diego I

She is kind. There are few people I know who are as kind as Allison. She is determined to see the best in people and in situations. She never says unkind things about people. Now this isn’t to say that she doesn’t object to certain things – she does, it is just that she has something I totally and utterly lack – the ability to keep it to herself. Once I showed her something I knew she wouldn’t be cool with. And I could see on her face that she didn’t like it AND YET she kept her cool and didn’t say anything. I was amazed, still am! She doesn’t find any pleasure in criticism. I can see her cringe when my family starts to pick a movie apart. If it is a movie she loves I sometimes worry that we are picking apart her heart.

2344594540_2577058379_bWhich brings me to the next thing I love about Allison. She is a truly devoted friend, daughter and wife. If she pledges herself to a person or a cause – she defends that person or cause with gusto. Alli, remember the time when I said that I thought that Fenway was a superior ball park to Yankee stadium? It was as if I had uttered blasphemy! She is a Yankee fan, true blue, and she couldn’t believe I would say such a thing! Meanwhile, Ian, also devoted to the team – smiled from ear to ear.  She devotes herself fully to those things she loves and believes in. Her devotion is most beatifully manifested in her relationships. She is deeply devoted to her husband.When she and Ian wed, we used to constantly tell her how much she improved Ian – how she made him a better man. But instead of flattering her this made her upset. When she married Ian she saw the man – but we still saw the little boy that we’d grown up with. The one who convinced Brynn that if she didn’t bring him cinnamon toast he might die. She just hated if we ever said anything about Ian being less than awesome! Guess what, she was right to demand, in a loving way, that we change our tune! As she saw the very best in Ian we could see it too!  She was right.

She is also devoted to her family and to her God. She loves, loves, loves her parents and her siblings.

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She has got class. True class. She was raised beautifully by her parents – for example she always washes her hands before she eats anything and loves vegetables – but Allison’s class goes beyond a fantastic and careful upbringing – Allison has got class in the deepest part of her heart. She exudes the same kind of loveliness that Audrey Hepburn had – beauty mingled with a love of humanity and a heart that longs to help those around her. THAT is Allison.


She is a bright person. She gets straight “As” – and works very hard to get them, but she makes it seem like it really isn’t that big of a deal. She takes these impossible classes and tests and gets the highest marks in the class. HUH? I say to myself, how does she do it? She does it with that wonderful brain and killer work ethic of hers.


She is responsible. Just curious, what were you doing when you turned 21? I’ll tell you what Allison was up to: Married at 19 and mother of the ward at 21! Ian was called to be the bishop about two and a half years ago, the day after his 26th birthday. And there, right by his side, was Allison, radiating goodness and light. She was not out partying like many young women her age, Allison was going to nursing school full time and supporting her husband as the wife of the bishop – while serving in four other church callings. Not to brag, but she is off the charts and – did I mention? – is MY sister-in-law, cough, cough.

She is earnest and sincere. Very, very sincere.  I don’t think she has a cynical bone in her entire body. (This is her watching Milo and Otis with Millie and Nikki – I rest my case!)


She is grateful. She appreciates things. Once when we gave her a pair of pillow  “shams” for her birthday she was so excited she exclaimed, “Shams? Shams! I LIVE for shams!!” Allison is like a little kid in her ability to enjoy and appreciate. She loves life. She has fun. She sings along to music in the car, she skips down the street, she loves and lives life fully and intentionally!


She also LOVES food. She really appreciates good food – but most remarkable of all, when she feels full she STOPS eating. Even if what she is eating is really, really good. Every time she does this I marvel. I the person who cannot stop. One of the first things my mom said about her was, “I love this girl! She really appreciates her food.” It is true she does!

This is a really big birthday for Allison.

This is the year when her life will change forever.

This is the year when she will become a mother.

I am very excited for Allison to be a mom. I believe that she was born to do this. She is so kind and so nurturing. I have total confidence in her. All that love she possesses will now be channeled to the tiny human being who will be blessed to call her their, “mom.”


I am looking forward to watching this incredible world open up to you and see what you do with all the challenges and opportunities that motherhood will afford you.

Happy, happy birthday, dear sis (in-law). I sure do love ya!

P.S. She makes a mean tuna melt. Just sayin’.


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8 Responses to “Raise the Roof for Allison’s B-day!”

  1. Sam Says:

    ummm…this post, this Allison, TOTALLY makes me want to be a better person. Is there a way I could hook some of that goodness up to an I.V. and just get it pumpin’ through me? For realz.
    So excited to get to know this new sista of mine!

  2. Tess Says:

    I love Allison!
    I will never forget when we were playing, “Since U Been Gone” a classic Kelly Clarkson tune, and Allison came in. “Oh! I love this song! Turn it up guys!” Then she went on to rock out, and dance around to the chorus, bridge, and other verses. She always has fun, and isn’t afraid to share the fun with others. 🙂

  3. Khaliel Says:

    There’s no doubt about it, Allison is one of the “noble and great ones.” She’s right up there with my beloved Grandma Julia for having an influence of good on others. I am so HAPPY that Allison chose Ian! The part that made me tear up was when you described her as having qualities similar to Audrey Hepburn. She does. She is such a lovely lady!

    Thanks, Liza for appreciating the glorious-ness of our loved ones. It makes us love them all the more.

    Three cheers for Allison!

  4. Lindsey Says:

    Oh, Allison. She is one of the dearest souls I know. Great tribute, Lize! If only everyone in the world were more like Allison–including me. 🙂

    Love that girl to pieces. I’ll never forget (and I tell this story all the time) how in love Ian was with Allison from the beginning. We were over at the Peterson’s for a BBQ one summer afternoon and all Ian could talk about was Allison this and Allison that. The best was when he said, “Asparagus. Allison LOVES asparagus.”

    Happy Birthday to one of my very favorite people.

  5. Bette Says:

    I love Alli! That moment Tess described is also one of my favorite Alli moments. That was a grand ol’ time. Can’t wait to be the aunt of lil’ Stanley Cup, too! 🙂

  6. Brynn Zimmer Says:

    Amen to your comment, Sam! I could definitely afford to be more like Alison Cutler Kelly. And oh! I can’t wait for the two of you to meet each other! There will be such an explosion of smartness and beauty and joy and goodness as the world has never seen!

    And amen to all that you said, Lize. I remember one time watching this TV show that compared movies stars from the past with movie stars of today(i.e. Gwyneth Paltrow is today’s version of Grace Kelly, or so they say). When they got to Audrey Hepburn, they pretty much gave up, saying that no one compares to her. But they only said that because they’ve never met my sis-in-law, Ali Kelly! I would agree that the first word that comes to my mind when I think of Allison is “love,” but the word that comes right after that is “lovely.”

    Happy B-day, Ali! We can’t wait to see you!

  7. Vickie Cutler Says:

    Wow, wonderful.
    I do love my Allison too.
    I laughed and cryed with your words (by the way you can really write).
    i love the photo watching Milo and Otis.
    Alli’s heart is all encompassing.
    absolutley SI!!, mi casa su casa, photo,familia etc.
    Love to you and yours V

  8. Parker Says:

    Dear Allison, I love you and you are great, it is a privilege to be related to you .
    Dear Liza, I love you and your blog (just thought I’d throw that out there)

    PS: I love our family.