it's's's dawesome

Is Jan Dawson.

Right now he and I are sitting at the dining room table, each working on our lap top computers. Only moments ago, he casually glanced over and noticed that I didn’t have a power cable, then he checked my battery and said, “You’re almost out of power.” He then took the cable from his own computer and plugged it into mine.

Shucks! That is who I am married to.

Yesterday he watched ALL of the BBC’s series, “Wives & Daughters” with me. We were up until 11:00, snuggled in our bed with the his lap top & the very same computer cable he just lent to me, balanced on my lap.

Life is good.


I am a lucky, lucky girl.


did I mention he smells good?

okay, now I’ll stop.

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3 Responses to “My husband”

  1. Lindsey Says:

    *Love* Wives and Daughters. Love it.

    You’ve got a good guy. My Fritzy boy (the jr. one) watched P&P with me last week. That warmed my heart to no end.

  2. sam Says:

    this post made my heart smile 🙂

  3. Brynn Zimmer Says:

    Amen! I watched a kind of strange 1970’s movie starring Robert Redford called “Downhill Racer” with Ben last night. There were lots of 70’s zoom shots that everyone must have thought were the bees knees back in the day, but now are just plain silly. Anyhow, even though it was kind of lame-o, I still had fun, cuz pretty much anything I do with the Zimmer Man is fun.

    Isn’t being married to a good, awesome, fun man the best?