it's's's dawesome

Check this out!

Today, at church, as I was talking to my friend Amanda, she and I & realized that we coordinated. Between herself,  her baby and myself – we were all wearing white, gray and black with red accents. CRAZY, no?!

(I have mentioned our tendency to come to church in the same outfit, but this was a new twist with Lucy getting in on “the vibe”!)

Then Jan came over and HE MATCHED TOO. Gray suit, white shirt  & a red tie with tiny white polka dots.

Then when we realized that our other children were also dressed in some combination of gray, red and white!! Not to mention that Lucy’s shoes, Jan’s tie and Millie’s coat were all red with white polka dots.


This was so nuts we just had to have it documented.

And blog about it.



The end.

P.S. Craig, Amanda’s husband, was out of town, just in case you were wondering why he didn’t feature. I wonder what he was wearing on the plane ride home. Hmmm? Perhaps I should call him and see if he was wearing gray, white and red.  🙂

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4 Responses to “when you got it, you got it!”

  1. Bette Says:

    haha! Soooo great!

  2. Tess Says:

    This made me laugh out loud! So funny.

  3. vickie cutler Says:

    I’m still grinning from the “France!” video.
    By the way that’s how we say it in Idaho too.

    I initially went to see it “Pirates” ’cause I was a huge Linda Rondstadt fan and quickly proceded to fall in love with Kevin Kline! That is why when I saw him walking around Rockefeller Center a couple of years ago I HAD to chase him down and say something –anything. That is NOT what I do, but I did the silly school girl gush thing anyway and I am glad I did.
    Even a summer version in Island Park, Idaho is high on my list of favorites.

  4. khaliel kelly Says:

    If anything that ever happened on Earth deserves to be documented THIS IS IT!


    Think of how long it would have taken to figure something like this out. Seriously, if you and Amanda one day decided that you wanted your families to “coordinate” at church, you could have spent hours trying to plan it and couldn’t have possibly have come up with anything better! Or even this, for that matter!

    Crazy. What are the odds?