it's's's dawesome


Life without dad.

Jan is on the other side of the world.

We miss him.

During the last trip he took, the girls and I sent him this photo of us. We discovered photo booth and took a billion pictures of ourselves.

The black and white photos were taken at the beginning of his trip.

Here we are a few days later, in bed

No longer smiling I resemble a zombie!

Here is how it works at our house:

I have all the dates for Jan’s out of town travels on my calendar. I acknowledge I am a wimp. I know that there are women who are perpetually without their menfolk, but I have gotten used to having my man around and I dread when he goes away. You see, I am not very nice when he is gone – dang it! I am just a tired, beat up, pathetic figure.

So you can imagine how I felt last week when, out of the blue, Jan got an email saying that he was needed in Asia.

BOO! HISS! is what my heart said, but I smiled and my mouth said, “You gotta do what you gotta do.”

Today I came downstairs from putting this person down for a nap

On my computer I found a million N E W photos of Millie – which she had taken while I was putting Clara to bed. Here is a sampling of what was waiting for me on my screen –

The question is this:





currently they are beating me 2:1, we had pizza for dinner and sometimes I just have to sit down and whimper

Come home soon, Mr. Dawson


“you help me so much”.

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3 Responses to “Snap Shots”

  1. Jan Says:

    Hey you guys,

    I miss you all so much. And there’s nothing I can do about getting home sooner. But at least on the way back I get to do this weird time travel thing where I will arrive in Newark five minutes before I leave Tokyo.

    Can’t wait til Saturday



  2. sam Says:

    oh my goodness! i didnt even see this post until i made one JUST like it and chas told me so.
    we MUST be sisters

  3. Brynn Zimmer Says:

    I want Ben to come home, too! And not just because I miss him and love him, but because I’m in desperate need of someone to make me stop watching bad movies on netflix until midnight and binging on Natural Cheetos Puffs. Thankfully, the Benja-man comes home tonight.

    Hang in there, Lize! And whatever you do, don’t learn how to use your netflix account. It will destroy you!