it's's's dawesome

Before we left on our trip I was fixating on Wellingtons. Everyone in our family was in need of them. And I didn’t want just any wellingtons, I wanted CUTE ONES, of course!

I searched way more than any normal person would for just the right thing for Clara and Millie and there was nothing out there that I liked.

Initially I settled on these, for Clara

They look alright here, but on her feet they just looked SO DARK BROWN and they were way too big and she couldn’t keep them on. So back to the store they went!

When I couldn’t find anything I really LOVED I decided I’d just pick up something at the thrift store for cheap. After all you never know what treasures you’ll find at the old thrift store!

Cute, but not what I’d been searching for. They were $6.00 so I just figured that would be that.

And then,

(I know, you can hardly wait to hear what happens next…)

While we were in England I found them! The wellies I had been searching for!


I know this may sound totally ridiculous to some people but these just make me happy! They are so stink’n cute! I only wish I’d bought a pair for Millie too!

I had to retire my 12 dollar brown and white polka dot wellingtons from Costco because recently they sprung a leak. At the last minute, as in a few hours before we left, I bought these…

It was an act of desperation – because I had spent all my time fretting over Clara and Millie’s wellies I hadn’t really looked for myself! I felt a little bit like a poser wearing bright RED Bendels knee high wellies – but Jan’s family was nice and told me they were “elegant”. I’m not sure if that is actually”English Code” for “tacky American”.

I’ll never REALLY know

because they are all “so darn polite!”

How about them brown stripes up the back, eh?

(FYI – they are lined in brown and cream stripes.)

Are you thinking what I am thinking?

I think these are about as HOT as a pair of Wellington’s get!

Va, Va VOOM!

Or perhaps you are thinking…

Tacky American!

(Every family needs one so I am just doing my duty!)

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3 Responses to “A Word on Wellingtons”

  1. Khaliel Says:

    I’m probably just a tacky American, but I think they are elegant.

  2. Christine Says:

    I second your mom! (but then again I’m just a tacky American)

    I love the cute blue wellies with the pink flowers, so precious!

  3. Margie Says:

    I say elegant, and since I am a Scot you can rest assured I know what’s what when it comes to such things, tacky American you most certainly are NOT! As for Clara’s wellies…LOVE THEM!