it's's's dawesome

…of a 5 year old produces peculiar results.

I love to shop with Millie. She thinks that everything I try on is wonderful.

“You look SO cute, Mommy!” is the only thing she ever says.

Nice, right?

So the other day, I bought something very much out of the ordinary – with her special guidance.

This here shirt.

Think “Good Will Hunting”, think the bar scene when he gets the girl’s number, and the Harvard prep doesn’t – but now imagine this dialogue only with a slight alteration.

Will -“Do you like CARROTS?”

Harvard Prep -“Huh?”

Will – “Do you like carrots?

HP – Yeah.

Will -How ’bout these carrots.”

Oh, if only they had cast MEEE instead of Minnie. I would have been amazing in my carrot shirt, I tell you!

I digress —

When I put my lovely carrot shirt on this morning, the one Millie really thought I should get, I discovered something really special…

you’ll never guess so I’ll just tell you what it was,


Attached to the tags was a little bag of carrot seeds with the instructions to “grow your own”.

And grow our own we shall!

Our plan is to grow a bunch of carrots for the new woodland creature who has decided to make our back yard his abode

Awe! a baby bunny!

We have MANY woodland creatures who have made burrows of their own in our back yard:

a HATEFUL ground hog and it’s GROWING family (NOT a fan) a dozen chipmunks (barely tolerable) and millions of squirrels (also hateful)

But the baby BUNNY, well, I LOVE IT!

By the way, for your general information, we are leaving for UT today.

I will be wearing my carrot shirt and the girls will be wearing their little “Senorita dresses” in anticipation of the great Mexican food we will be eating very, very soon.

Hasta la proxima!

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4 Responses to “Shopping Under the influence…”

  1. Jan Says:

    Just in case anyone is thinking of burgling us while “we” are in UT, I’m staying behind, at least for the time being. So you’ve been warned.

  2. Amanda Says:

    RATS!!!! I’ve had my eye on those CARROTS and Liza’s ribbon collection. I’ll make my plan for another day! MMMMmmuuoohhhhaaaa (evil laugh, in case you couldn’t tell)

  3. Amanda Says:

    Double RATS!! I forgot not to include my name!

  4. Margie Says:

    Oh well, my plan for a break in is out of the question now! You wear carrots so well Liza!