it's's's dawesome

Come in all shapes and sizes.

Sometimes you have a champion living among you and you don’t even know it!

We do!

We have a champion hospital patient.


Let me just tell you a little about my day, yesterday.

Middle of this week we decided that we would go ahead with a surgery for Clara to have her clogged tear duct taken care of. Now this is a very straightforward, 2o minute long procedure and when it is all over you just walk right out of the hospital. But this is my baby we’re talking about – and when your baby has to receive anesthetics then we can have a talk about how you might feel. It’s kind of scary.

***Now I am going to gush openly about my two year old child. Some people really find this sort of thing annoying. (Sometimes I find it annoying, so I understand that feeling). If you are such a person than stop reading. My kid was stinking awesome yesterday and I am broadcasting it right here and right now, suckaz! *****

The night before the procedure I explained to Clara that we would be going to the doctors to get her eye fixed, that mommy and daddy would be there and that she would need to be brave but that everything would work out. She listened very carefully and cried a little bit as she processed this information. I held her tightly then said good night.

The next morning, the day of the surgery, she wanted to eat (but was required to fast). Jan explained to her that she couldn’t eat now and would have to wait until after we went to the doctors. She didn’t even cry just said, ‘Alright, Daddy” a few more times that morning she requested a drink of water and told us she was hungry but never cried or even moaned about it. She woke up at 6:00 and didn’t get to eat anything until 11:00. The doctors were impressed that she was so sunny and sweet despite not having eaten anything since 6:30 the night before.

I took Millie to be watched at our friends house (thanks again, Karen!!) and while I was doing that Jan and Clara went to the hospital. As they were leaving the house she asked for me and Jan told her that I would meet them at the hospital. Clara then said, “I get my eye fixed” then stuck her finger in her eye. Bless!

She was angelic in the waiting room, put on her hospital gown without a fight, sat quietly while we waited for her surgery, took the anesthetic perfectly with out a fuss or a cry, woke up from the anesthetic again without a single peep. The nurses and doctors were amazed. They told us over and over that it just wasn’t the norm for a kid to take everything so well.

When she woke up the first thing she said to me was, “I go park?”

If she had cried and screamed that would have also been fine- she would still be a champ in my book. But as a parent sometimes your kids surprise you with their ability to handle difficult situations and you get a tiny glimpse of who they are and what they are capable of — usually you see that they are so much more than you know and understand.

You better believe we are hitting the park today!

Thank you to our family and friends who were praying for us yesterday — I am praising my child up and down but it just struck me that your prayers may have had a lot to do with her wonderful ability to cope so well. After she woke up and I held her in my arms, as my fears were melting away, I said a prayer of thanks and marveled at just how beautifully everything had gone. Thank you for your faith and for exercising it in our behalf. We really and truly appreciate it!

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5 Responses to “Champions”

  1. Margie Says:

    Go Clara!!! Brag away Liza, bravery like that in the face of such an event at age two is worthy of some major gushing about how fabulous she is! Very impressive indeed.

  2. Tess Says:

    This post makes me love my amazing nieces and nephews even more! Three cheers for Clara! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray!

  3. Christine Says:

    I’m so very glad that Clara had such a good experience. What an answer to prayers. Gush away!

  4. Eno Says:

    I love this. Especially talking it over the night before and the exchanges with Jan while fasting. Love that girl! Go Clara! PS Have you noticed a difference?

  5. Allison Says:

    Sorry that was me up there (posted as Eno).