it's's's dawesome

Is what these two girls are doing for their dear old mom.

On Monday I had NPR on in the car. It was some guy from the Rolling Stones being interviewed on Fresh AirĀ  (I don’t know their names, so sue me!) It’s which ever one has just come out with a book. Anyway, they were playing excerpts from his music during the interview. When one of the harder core songs came on, Clara said,

“Mommy, I no like it. I no like it”

So, I turned it right off!

Then she made the suggestion,

“Go, go G?”

Which is one of her favorite songs.

A few days later we were in the car again and had NPR on. This time it was Joan Rivers being interviewed. We listened for no more than three minutes when Millie said,

“Mom, why are you listening to this? It is not good. Turn it off”

To which I replied, “You are right, Mills!”

The moral of the story? If you raise your children right, then they will keep YOU honest.


Don’t listen to NPR.

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3 Responses to “Keeping me on the Straight and Narrow”

  1. Louise Says:

    They are both so beautiful – inside and out! Loved your last post, too – especially the photo of Jan and Clara!

  2. Tess Says:

    Hooray! You have raised your girls right, sista!

  3. zina Says:

    I’m glad that your girls already realize that Fresh Air is for the birds! There is other programming on NPR that I love, but for some reason that show is always no beuno. I feel like the people she interviews and often questionable, and then the questions she asks are even more questionable! Hoorah for girls with brains! (and hearts, and sensitive dear spirits!)