it's's's dawesome

Yes, that one.

It was celebrated here too.

The morning of Jan went off to play foot-ball with a bunch of guys – whilst I stayed home and entertained the ladies.

We did some festive themed “body crayon-ing” – Millie drew herself a Nut Cracker!

And I drew her a Sugar Plum Fairy.

Clara is passionate about “The Snowman” – if you haven’t seen or read this, go out and buy it today. It is pure Christmas magic. You wont be sorry! Here is her Snowman…

And her “boy”

Clearly, after the body crayons came a much needed bath

And then, once dad was back & our family began to arrive the festivities could begin in earnest!

For the first year ever we had a “kids table” – decorated by Millie and me.

(Please note: Baby Grant sat in for Eli who was a little late to the party)

While the kids ate their lunch of turkey sandwiches and potato chips we had a lunch of beef wellington and a salad with pomegranet seeds, feta and pine nuts.

Eventually Eli and his folks showed up and our happiness was complete!

(These cousins were excited to see Eno, Alli and Eli)

I had this crazy idea of wanting to ENJOY Thanksgiving dinner – meaning after working myself to the bone I did not want to be forced to deal with screaming children, wipe any noses, listen to some one under the age of 6 moaning that they didn’t like turkey, gravy, mash potatoes, etc. etc.

SO, we didn’t actually serve the real Thanksgiving dinner until 8:00 PM, when the kids were all in bed.

(Well, not all the kids were in their beds, Grant was on the sofa — which is totally acceptable if you are 2 months old)

At the appointed time, we, the adults, sat around this table in a very civilized fashion and ate a meal uninterrupted. (Well, almost – Grant joined us part way through, which is cool when your as tiny as the G man.)

It was rather nice.

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3 Responses to “You know that holiday with a bird?”

  1. Brianna Says:

    it looks amazing and you’re family is so adorable!

  2. Tess Says:

    How lovely! What a happy bunch of people that I get to be related to!

  3. Vickie Says:

    you are unbelievable, and indeed awesome. I can hardly stand it. lv,V