it's's's dawesome

Was pure and undefiled AWESOME!

(Never mind that as I was putting up the decorations I had to take a break to throw-up, not even that could dampen my spirits, okay, it did dampen them just a little, if I am being really honest).

But seeing as I am so behind in my blogging I am just going to attack this randomly and tell you the story of Christmas 2010 as if I was Charlie Kaufman.

This year was a Kelly year. Remember how I was so diligent in reporting our English escapades in London and Bath last year? That was pretty rad. This year the sickness factor kept me from doing that again. So, now, allow me to tell you a bit about our time in fabulous Provo, UT.

There was SNOW

and LOTS of it!

There were cousins, galore!

Aunts and Uncles by the dozen…

…here you will see the aunts and grandma at our “Auntie’s Tea Party”


(we like this picture because LOOK, I managed to buy Ben a practically identical shirt to the one he wore on Christmas day!)

Good eats!

and lots and lots of LOVE!

Sometimes when I am home with my parents and siblings and my very own growing family I feel like a bit of a love glutton. How did I land this gig? How did I get such wonderful parents, such remarkable siblings, in-laws, nieces and nephews. H O W?

I just love these people more than I can say.

It always breaks my heart to leave them.

We had some SERIOUSLY good times this year!

(Hopefully I will get up the gumption to report in more detail later…but I am not making any promises)

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2 Responses to “Christmas 2010”

  1. Emily Rich Says:

    So glad you had a FABULOUS Christmas- Looks and sounds like a dream!

  2. Allison Says:

    I’m grateful for this being chronicled- what I mean is, I can barely manage a journal entry about this wonderful Christmas so I’m happy it is being captured and remembered in beautiful Dawesome fashion. Plus we look fabulous anyway, dahling. (tea party reference….)