it's's's dawesome

I have mentioned in previous posts that we are “early risers” around here. With our new schedule in place our 5:30 AM wake up call has now been pushed back to 6:20 AM.

We will take what we can get.

Jan and I take turns waking up with the girls. (Although these days it is usually Jan who gets up with them, thank you Insomnia, I don’t know what I would do without you! Actually I do know what I would do, I would sleep!)

The other day when I woke up, this is the sight which greeted me, and quite frankly, it melted me.

Clara had been busily “tucking” Jan into bed.

As you can see, she takes the job VERY seriously!

At first it appeares that she has made sure Jan wont be lonely by giving him 5 or so little critters to keep him company.


peel back the covers and behold!  She’d given him about 10 others.

Jan’s commentary was classic, “This is actually rather comfortable.”

(I love that guy!)

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4 Responses to “RISE and SHINE!”

  1. christine Says:

    These are the cutest dad shots ever. Jan looks like he’s about 5 years old in the last one.

  2. Jan Says:

    It truly was very comfortable and since then I’ve seriously considered several times grabbing a stuffed animal or two to sleep with

  3. Allison Says:

    I can just hear Jan saying that. Good stuff!

  4. Lindsey Says:

    Oh, that Jan. What a good guy you have, Lize! Your girls make me laugh. That is very funny.