it's's's dawesome

Dear Month of June,


If truth be told, I shall not miss you.

You have given us a celebration of bodily fluids.

In four short weeks we have endured: Ellis’ first cold (lots of snot), potty training Clara (peeps and poops), projectile vomit, a surgery, and now sleep training our 8 week old (lots of salty wet tears).

Today, on the last day of you, the 30th, I was foolish enough to take all three of my children to Trader Joe’s, and you were kind enough to remind me why I am so glad to see the back of you.

While I was pushing our small cart – Ellis was strapped to me on the baby bjorn, Clara was in the cart (occasionally poking Ellis in the eye) and Millie danced around beside me —all was relatively calm until… Ellis decided to poop up a storm. The poop was like a waterfall cascading down my shirt, skirt, and shoes. And Ellis was covered in the stuff too.

It is like a bad dream I’d like to forget.

So, here is to a new month.

A drier month.

Bring on JULY, says I!

Kind Regards,

E. Dawson

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3 Responses to “Farewell, June!”

  1. bette Says:

    That is one of the saddest tales I have ever heard…
    But, in July I can watch your kids while you go out to Trader Joe’s by yourself! If you so desire, that is. I’m flying out to NY in a couple weeks and I’d love to hang out with the Dawsons. 🙂

  2. Lindsay Says:

    I don’t think I’ve even congratulated you on your sweet little boy. Sorry, sometimes my thoughts don’t translate into actions. He is darling and I’m so glad he was able to get that surgery and things are going better, except for the Trader Joe’s incident. Ah, motherhood 🙂 You’ll have stories to tell his girlfriends down the road. We are expecting #3 in November and just found out we are having a girl! Looks like we have opposite families which means three match ups. So funny. Here’s to a dryer July.

  3. Margie Says:

    Oh man…that is such a sad tale! Here’s to a new beginnings in a new month!!