it's's's dawesome

Because I am an awesome mom – I brought home some SWEET medical supplies from Ellis’ hospital stay to add to our eclectic collection of “toys”.

Before you judge me, let me clarify- the nurses told us they were going to throw away whatever we didn’t take….it seemed such a shame to see this stuff go to waste.

It’s cool.

You gotta snag some plastic gloves whenever you get the chance, says I.

And this mask!

Holy smokes! I would have killed for this when I was a little girl. It would have been the perfect prop in the soap opera that we Kelly kids made together. I wish I could insert the clip right here – it was a fine piece of work. Since I cannot,  imagine if you will 3 1/2 year old Chas in the hospital bed – wrapped head to toe in toilet paper “bandages” as 10 year old Cameron sits at his bedside and urges him to get well so that, and I quote, “We can go bowling together.”whilst a laser tag thinger beeped in the back ground.

Pure genius!

Truly, it was a moving scene.

And I am NOT making this stuff up, just ask the Peterson kids – they are my witnesses. They actually ENJOYED watching our home movies and they have seen the soap opera more than once, it was called “The Young and the Restful.” Actually, it just struck me that perhaps they really didn’t like it and they were just humoring us.

I digress!

Please note that the cat, from the previous photo, is wearing Clara’s baby bracelet from her hospital stay. Only Clara put it on the cat’s ear.

We are so OFFICIAL when it comes to playing hospital around here. None of that Fisher Price plastic nonsense for us. Oh, no! We take this VERY seriously!

Clara wasn’t willing to be the patient (shocker!) – and so they REALLY had to twist my arm to get me to play along.

You can also play “telephone” with masks like this, just in case you were wondering why Millie had put the tube up to her ear. I also imagine one could whisper some serious “sweet nothings” using this thing. It would be like sweet nothings in stereo!

I couldn’t stop laughing when Millie was giving me oxygen.

It seemed like an unorthodox procedure to me.

But here I am,

fit as a fiddle!

And now able to breathe on my own.

Sometimes you’ve just got to trust your doctor.

Even if their plastic gloves are five sizes too big.

(Wink, wink!)

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2 Responses to “How we roll”

  1. Chas Says:

    That bowling line really helped me pull through that scene.

  2. Brynn Says:

    Oh, man. You had me rollin’ in this post. And you totally hit the toy jackpot with that hospital mask. It’s too tremendous.