it's's's dawesome

(but especially for Aunt Sam)

The other day as I was dressing your nephew I thought of you two.

Can you guess why?

Look very closely!

I almost didn’t put this on Ellis because I felt that your future offspring should wear this EXCLUSIVELY. But Millie had picked this out for Ellis before he was born and she really wanted to see him in it. So this will just have to be a hand-me-down.  The beauty of this romper is that a hip little girl OR a manly little boy could wear it. So no matter what you are covered. You get me? (I saw that the rockstar diary duo put this on their baby girl, so we know it’s cool, yo! & yes, I do read that blog sometimes. “I am ashamed.”)

Then, later in the day I went to Gap Kids (where this romper was purchased) and found a special something for your future child. I will be bringing it with me to UT so that I can hand it to you in person.

It’s cute!

You will like.

(I hope.)

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4 Responses to “For Uncle Chas & Aunt Sam”

  1. christine Says:

    What cutie pie! I love the Vespa romper.

    P.S. The Rockstar blog trio are in my ward and tons of fun. Funny how this blog thing is like one big circle.

  2. Sam Says:

    AHHH!! Best thing I’ve done all day is reading this post. I got a little teary-eyed in response to sweet Ellis’ reassurance of good things to come!
    Thanks, Lize. Can’t wait to see you soonies!!!

  3. Chas Says:

    THAT IS ONE AWESOME SCOOTS ROMPER!!! Looks *just* like ours (the scooter on the romper that is, not the romper… we have no romper). Ellis deserves to don that romper cuz he is one hip romper rockin’ cat!! Meow!! As you can see, I’m trying to say romper as many times as I possibly can in this romper post. Romper romper!

  4. Margie Says:

    So sweet! Love it…seriously, that boy of yours gets cuter by the day!!!