it's's's dawesome

Guess what, that tiny little room next to the kitchen, the one we lovingly call “the breakfast room”, you know that one, right? Perhaps you have sat in it once or twice? Well, not to brag too much but… it’s FAMOUS!

You heard me, it’s famous.

If you go here (to a hip and groovy site aka “the little green notebook”) there you will see it in all it’s splendor.

So, the cute lady, Jenny, who is the brains behind “the little green notebook” and I have exchanged a few emails. I showed her some of the SWEET home improvement and playhouse improvement projects we have done around Dawesome land and she kinda digs ‘um.

You will see, if you choose to go to her hipster and happening website that I have very carefully taken pictures that OMIT things like the nasty stains that are all over the velvet sofa, also I have managed to make the room look A LOT bigger (cue my evil design maven laughter – Mwah ha ha!)

And if you don’t mind I would very much like to give credit where credit is due. The awesome project which is highlighted on little green notebook was a labor of loveliness that was born of my stupidity, actually. True story! Would you like to hear it?


So after an entire YEAR of deliberating I bought one roll, ONE  measly but very expensive roll of wallpaper. I even had to take a special trip into NYC to see it in person because it is only sold “to the trade”. I’m not going to tell you how much it cost me because I don’t want my brother-in-law Ben to know or he might accuse me of being a fancy lady. Because I couldn’t afford more than one roll, I thought to myself, “I will do an accent wall in the breakfast room. It is the smallest room in our house, so it will be perfect!”

The wallpaper arrived and when we opened it we realized that it was so fancy that if you breath on it, you basically stain it for life. I’m not kidding! You can’t even get wallpaper paste on it or it will ruin it. Huh? But it is wallpaper? Riddle me THAT ONE if you can. So, not only is it overpriced, it also requires you to call SPECIALIST types to come into your house and hang it for you.


So my mom who had come to NYJersey for my birthday to help me hang said wallpaper and who had painted the breakfast room to match the wallpaper (yes, it’s true she is THE BEST!) sent out a rescue flair to the allknowing and very savy Liesa Card. Liesa knew all about this type of wallpaper. Yes, she had hung it before, you can’t touch it or breath on it or IT’S TOAST. She had a TRUE fancy lady client who had a whole room full of this kind of wallpaper.

She suggested that we frame it.

Well, we talked to my awesome framer and it would have cost us $700 smackers. NOT in the budget, if you hear me, friends. I am not really fancy, even though my brother-in-law thinks I am.

Well after SEVERAL months, I’m not kidding my framer had these things in her studio for 6 months. We finally figured out a way to frame them for a lot less than $700 dollars.

So go to and read all about it!

See for yourself our little labor of loveliness.


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7 Responses to “Our Breakfast Room is FAMOUS, suckaz!”

  1. Mindy Says:

    You are so amazing!! I keep telling myself that one of these days I will get all “fancy lady” like you, and decorate my house accordingly. Truth is I’m just going to have to by you so I can hire you to do your magic at my house. 🙂 Congrats on being a famous designer!!!

  2. Tess Says:

    Go Liza, go! Read the post, and it was really awesome. 🙂

  3. Christine Says:

    Gorgeous! I love the panels much more than a whole wall. Genius idea.

  4. Louise Says:

    STUNNING, of couse!! Will you please get your house tour over to her STAT! I want to see more of your gorgeous, gorgeous abode. And then will you come over to my place and work your magic here, please?!

  5. Margie Says:

    You are amazing! You are a fancy lady, but one who is smart and savvy enough to work it on a budget!!

  6. bette Says:

    Work it, girl! Loved reading all the comments on her post, too. The people love you, Lize!

  7. Ben Says:

    I love it, Lize! The panels are beautiful, and your attention to detail is extraordinary. I do think of you as a “fancy lady” but in the very best sense. Keep up the fine work, My Dear Sis-in-law!